Whatever the season or the weather, keeping your lips hydrated and healthy is a must.
Any lip balm you use you will inevitably end up in your mouth too so it’s really important you know exactly what you are putting onto your skin.
As you can imagine, the high street and internet are packed full of brands promising you nourished lips but sometimes, these can do more harm than good. They can make your lips feel good for a short while, but very few hold any long-term benefits.
Some of these balms sink in quickly and soften the lips and others sit on top to protect the lips. What we really want though, is a balm that does both! We will get onto that, but first let’s talk about ingredients…
When you pick up a non-natural lip balm, it is likely it has a long list of ingredients. Some nasties to look out for are:
We’ve all felt dehydrated on a hangover, are we right?! Well alcohol dries out your skin so why it is used in lip balms, we really don’t know.
It may be commonly used in the industry, but we think you will agree with us when we say we don’t want anything this close to gasoline anywhere on our body, particularly on our lips.
These hormone disruptors have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and melanoma, so it’s a hard no from us.
Have you ever got a tingling feeling when applying lip balm? The above ingredients were originally included in products to exfoliate but the chemicals can cause irritation or remove outer layers of your skin!
We have said it before and we will say it again, fragrances in products are NOT GOOD for you! They can lead to skin diseases, eczema, and lots more. Best left well alone…
So, let’s move onto what IS good for your lips.
Our 100% natural nipple balm is where it all began at Dr.Lipp. Gentle enough for use on any age and any skin type, our balm contains only TWO ingredients and helps to rebalance, hydrate, nourish, soothe, plump, and heal all types of dry, sore, cracked, itchy or sensitive skin. Applied liberally it is the most amazing rich, long lasting & glossy lip balm.
Sometimes, we want a little colour on our lips though, right? Meet our three gorgeous Super Food Tints in Sweet Potato, Radish, and Elderberry. These natural balms are completely fragrance and paraben free, and replace your lip balm, lip gloss, blusher, AND eyeshadow!
Three products in one gorgeous little tube, what are you waiting for?!